Monday, May 7, 2007

My "Aha's!"

I believe the class where we were introduced to bloglines,, and blogs was had the biggest impact on me. I knew about blogs but not to the extent that we went into them in class and was something I knew nothing about. I never new you could bookmark and carry your bookmarks with you. Since then I have discovered that Google has the same thing and it is on my Google toolbar along with my Google mail feed. I use it everyday and I have the Google toolbar on every computer I use at home and at work.

Another big “Aha” moment for me was Second Life. I was really impressed with Second Life and its capabilities. I know they have a long way to go to get some of the bugs out of the system but it has great potential for future use in education. I think the thing that I thought would be greatest in an online setting was being able to use the movie screen in Second Life to work math problems so that students would be able to see how it is done.

I probably will not use my educational blog anymore until I start teaching psychology or sociology. I probably will start a personal blog and keep what I have in the educational blog but just not add to it.

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