Saturday, February 17, 2007

Microsoft Word and Publisher

Word is a very powerful tool for creating documents, merging envelops and labels with addresses, and desktop publishing. I have used Word to do all three of these things and there are many other capabilities that it has besides these. I have used Publisher to create brochures for conferences when I worked in the Education Department at SFA. Since then I have not had a need to use it so it was good to get a refresher on it. I would hope that in the future I will get the opportunity to use Publisher again because I enjoy desktop publishing but just never have a reason to use it in the areas that I am working.

Since my vision/goal is to teach psychology/sociology at the collegiate level I do not see myself using Publisher but Word is something I intend to use quit often. I have already used the track changes part in Word when I graded my students writing assignments for the online course I taught in sociology. I have also used it when I write papers for school. I have a friend who edits my papers for me and I turn on track changes so when she edits it I can tell what she has changed so that I can make sure I agree with the changes. Word is something that I probably take for grant because I use it so much. I forget how powerful it is in other areas like desktop publishing and it was great to be reminded of all those features.

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